Category: Better Public Transit

Testimony: FY25 Operating Budget (Montgomery County, Support with Amendments)

We are glad to see record levels of funding for affordable housing production and preservation in this year’s capital and operating budgets, and thank the Council and County Executive for consistently increasing funding for affordable housing year over year.

Event Materials: Complete Streets Training for Prince George’s County

Event Materials: Complete Streets Training for Prince George’s County

Toole Design expert trainers, Jeremy Chrzan and Cipriana Patterson conducted a four-hour, in-person training covering key elements of NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide, Prince George’s County’s Urban Street Design Standards, as well as practical content from the US Access Board’s Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Way (PROWAG) and the forthcoming AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (Bike Guide). The training explained the practical relevance of complete streets guidance to address safety and comfort for people walking, biking, and taking transit.

RELEASE: Maryland House passes Transportation and Climate Alignment Act

On Monday, the Maryland House of Delegates passed the Transportation and Climate Alignment Act (TCA), HB 836, introduced by Delegate Mark Edelson (46th District). This timely legislation will cut pollution from Maryland’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, the transportation sector, while helping expand transportation options for residents and workers. The House passed the TCA by an overwhelming majority, and it will now be considered by the Senate. 

CSG in the News: Officials must act on promise to fix the region’s Visualize 2050 transportation plan

This plan is important because it shows how the region’s transportation investments collectively succeed or fail in addressing important issues, and, under federal law, major projects must be in the plan to get built. The plan also demonstrates where the region’s priorities are – endlessly widening roads to move vehicles, or giving people affordable and sustainable travel options and proximity to jobs and services.

Testimony: WMATA Board

So, while we very much appreciate the proposed commitment of $480 million in additional funding by the jurisdictions and the temporary lifting of the artificially constraining 3% cost cap, it has been our hope that the jurisdictions would do more and fully close the gap to avoid the service impacts discussed at the hearings.

Testimony: SB 943 – Better Bus Service Act of 2024 (MD, Support)

We are excited about plans for tactical bus lanes on Georgia Avenue in Montgomery County, and Silver Hill Road in Prince George’s County. These projects are collaborations between the State Highway Administration, WMATA, and each county’s Department of Transportation. They reflect a shared commitment to providing better transit service to those who depend on it, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation by attracting new riders.

Testimony: Transportation and Climate Alignment Act of 2024 (MD, Support)

The Transportation and Climate Alignment Act will ensure Maryland’s transportation investments are aligned with its climate change mitigation goals and provide numerous benefits to the state’s residents, workers and communities.

Testimony: WMATA Board re FY25 Budget (VA)

We urge our elected leaders to do more to reduce and even close the entire gap. We all know that failure to close the entire gap will still mean some service cuts, fare hikes, impact on the workforce, and delays in the capital program. It is disappointing that a state statute has imposed a 50/50 requirement for splitting Virginia’s share of WMATA funding, and that the state is only being asked this year to provide $65 million.

Testimony: WMATA Board re FY25 Budget (MD)

We thank WMATA for its hard work to identify cost savings and efficiencies to reduce the $750 million operating budget gap. We also thank the jurisdictions for proposing $480 million in additional operating funding for FY25. This includes the $150 million promised by Governor Moore and key state legislators.

But we urge our elected leaders to do more to reduce and even close the entire gap. We all know that failure to close the entire gap will still mean some service cuts, fare hikes, impact on the workforce, and delays in the capital program.