Category: Resources

ADU D.C. Homeowner’s Manual

ADU D.C. Homeowner’s Manual

How to Build an Accessory Apartment or Second Dwelling in the District of Columbia

The ADU D.C. Homeowner’s Manual is a product of the year-long ADU DC initiative launched in the spring of 2019. This effort was made possible with the support of founding funder Citi, and led by the United Planning Organization (UPO), along with its partner, the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

For more information on how to build an ADU, view the full resource folder here. Also, join our online forum on DC ADUs here.

RELEASE: “Devastating. Leaders must step up to save WMATA.”


December 1, 2020

Stewart Schwartz, Executive Director

703-599-6437 (cell)

Proposed cuts to WMATA would be devastating

Leaders must step up!

“The reality of proposed cuts to our Metrorail and Metrobus service in the absence of a rescue package is now clear. It would be simply devastating – to our workers, our economy, our transportation network.

Congress needs to step up and this includes every Republican. We are one nation, one economy, with a huge share of our economy dependent on our cities and metropolitan regions.

If the cuts were to take place they would gut a system the DC region built over four decades and upon which our essential workers and economy depends. It would undermine decades of real estate investment, prompt flight of our next generation workforce, and have a disproportionate impact on the essential workers upon whom our food and health and services systems depend.

We shouldn’t let our two Governors and local elected officials off the hook either. We cannot afford to continue wasteful road expansion and sprawl, massive toll roads that benefit few, and boondoggles like the Maglev when we can’t afford to maintain and operate what we’ve already built. We must be shifting funding from road expansion to save the transit system that is the backbone of our region’s economy.

‘Fix-it-first’: maintain, rehabilitate, and operate our existing infrastructure and locate new development in walkable communities with both jobs and frequent transit.”
