Category: Testimony & Letters

TESTIMONY re: TPB Climate and Transportation Study Findings 

TESTIMONY re: TPB Climate and Transportation Study Findings 

The findings from your climate and transportation study are clear: The region can achieve necessary levels of greenhouse gas reductions under its adopted 2030 climate plan, We cannot depend solely on electric vehicle adoption and a cleaner grid, the region must reduce per capita vehicle miles traveled by 15 to 20% by 2030.

TESTIMONY: Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan

We support the draft of the Silver Spring Downtown and Adjacent Communities Plan, although we believe there is room for improvement to think more strategically, creatively, and boldly about certain elements. In general, we are excited that the plan embraces downtown Silver Spring as the right place to grow, and to grow in a way that supports diversity, connectivity, resiliency, and health. 

Comments on the I-495 and I-270 Managed Lanes Study Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The Coalition for Smarter Growth submits the following comments in response to the Notice of Availability of the I– 495 & I–270 Managed Lanes Study Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) and Updated Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation. We have also signed onto and endorse the comments submitted by the Maryland Chapter of the Sierra Club and separate comments by the Maryland Transit Opportunities Coalition.

TESTIMONY re: Reversal of BAR Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness for Heritage at Old Town

TESTIMONY re: Reversal of BAR Denial of Certificate of Appropriateness for Heritage at Old Town

The Coalition for Smarter Growth reiterates our strong support for the Heritage at Old Town as approved by the City Council under a special use permit and Residential Multifamily Zoning. We face a housing crisis and the Heritage at Old Town is a well-designed development, providing critically needed housing and affordable housing. Our prior testimony is attached. 

Testimony in Support of Tracy Hadden Loh for DC WMATA Board

Testimony in Support of Tracy Hadden Loh for DC WMATA Board

October 27, 2021

Hon. Phil Mendelson, Chair
Committee of the Whole of the
Council of the District of Columbia

Regarding: PR 24-359, Board of Directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Tracy Hadden Loh Appointment Resolution of 2021

Dear Chairman and members of the Committee:

Please accept these comments on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, the leading non-profit organization in the D.C. region advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the DC region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

We wish to express our support for Tracy Hadden Loh, PhD, for WMATA Board. Dr. Loh is eminently qualified to represent both the interests of the District of Columbia residents, and the region as a whole. She brings years of experience and expertise in regional governance, land use, and transportation issues. Dr. Loh is a life-long and regular user of WMATA and other transit systems. This makes Dr. Loh an intellectual leader on transit and urban land use policy while also being grounded in practical experience as a transit rider and DC resident.

We ask the Committee to approve Dr. Loh’s appointment.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide testimony.

Cheryl Cort
Policy Director

Testimony in Support of Bruce Monroe PUD (Zoning Commission No. 16-11)

Testimony in Support of Bruce Monroe PUD (Zoning Commission No. 16-11)

For the limited scope hearing to analyze the proposed PUD under the updated Comprehensive Plan particularly with regard to the issues raised by the Remand Order.

Bruce Monroe plan drawing by TORTI GALLAS + PARTNERS