Get ready for an exciting Maryland General Assembly session now through April 8th! There’s a lot at stake – with Metro funding topping our list. To kick it off, we’ll start with our transportation list, but watch for an alert focused on housing, and more specific alerts on important budget hearings and bills.
Category: Safe Streets for Biking and Walking
TAKE ACTION: Help Capitol Heights Metro station attract quality, transit-oriented development!
With your help, we can help Capitol Heights Metro station turn into a safer, more walkable, vibrant mix of housing and businesses with great places to catch the bus and Metro.
Joint WABA-CSG letter on Increasing Road Fatalities and Visualize 2050
The Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) and the Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) – two of the region’s leading advocates for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, and transit-oriented communities – respectfully write to provide comment on the ongoing and disturbing traffic fatality and serious injury trends highlighted by TPB staff in their draft Annual Regional Transit and Highway Safety Targets report and presentation.
TPB Nov 2023 Board Comments
We ask TPB members to make safety investments for vulnerable road users a higher priority in your Visualize 2050 project submissions and in your local plans, budgets, and project designs. Please see our joint letter with the Washington Area Bicyclist Association in the meeting packet.
Hear updates and speak up for safer streets in Culmore
Our continued safe streets efforts in Culmore have prompted a second public meeting this Wednesday! Fairfax County and VDOT will be providing an update on safety improvement projects that were announced at last year’s packed community meeting where residents rallied for safer streets in the Culmore neighborhood of Bailey’s Crossroads.
Comments on MDOT Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) Tour FY24-29, Prince George’s County
As a member of the statewide Transform Maryland Transportation Coalition (TMTC), we ask MDOT to flex 50% of the federal funds, as allowed by federal law, from the Surface Transportation Block Grant and National Highway Performance Program formulas towards needed investments in eligible transit, safer streets, bicycle, and pedestrian projects, and transit vehicle electrification.
Press Release: ACPS award for School Bus Electrification Project
On Wednesday, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments will present a Climate & Energy Leadership Award in the Educational Institution Sector to Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) for its Electric School Bus program. According to the COG agenda materials, ACPS will have 15 electric school buses, representing 12% of its fleet, and will be the second largest electric school bus fleet in Virginia and the third largest on the East Coast after Fairfax County, VA and Montgomery County, MD public schools.
TAKE ACTION: These two projects would put Prince George’s on the wrong road
We have two urgent actions we need you to take. Two massive road projects would undermine a sustainable and prosperous future for Prince George’s County.
We can’t save Downtown Largo by destroying it
Rethink the I-495/Medical Center Drive interchange project

CSG in VCN’s 2024 Our Common Agenda: Saving Pedestrian Lives
The massacre on our roadways is the result of worsening speeding, larger vehicles like SUVs and trucks with limited visibility, increases in driver impairment and distraction, and roadway design that prioritizes cars’ speed over the lives of the Commonwealth’s residents. The tools to reverse this tragic trend are as simple as sidewalks and pedestrian refuges, but Virginia needs policy and resources to make a change.