Today, the new project vision defined in the FRA’s Supplemental Draft EIS (SDEIS) Preferred Alternative F presents a bold vision for the next century of Union Station’s existence and success, and will gain broad public and political support. The revised SDEIS Preferred Alternative includes major improvements we support the FRA including in the Final EIS:
Category: District of Columbia

TAKE ACTION: Support zoning for affordable housing with a new U Street police & fire station
The Third District Police Station and Fire Station on U Street are on the path to a much needed makeover. On June 26, the DC Zoning Commission will consider upzoning this public land to match the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map – for new residential development combined with the public uses.
CSG Support for U Street Police & Fire Station Upzoning, ZC 23-02
We support the proposed land use designation change for the U Street police and fire station sites as proposed with the adoption of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan amendments.
Support for Takoma Metro station (amended June 13, 2023)
We are excited to support the transformation of the Takoma Metro station site, proposed in PUD case number 22-36. It’s past time to transform the Takoma Metro station and provide much-needed housing and enhanced public spaces in place of the sterile surface parking lot, passive open space, and large bus loop.
Testimony in Support of Proposed Takoma Metro Station Redevelopment
We are excited to express our strong support for the proposed plan to redevelop the Takoma Metro station by adding hundreds of new homes, improved public spaces and better transportation facilities.
TAKE ACTION: Support a more inclusive Cleveland Park & Woodley Park
We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape.
TAKE ACTION: Voice your support for a more inclusive Cleveland Park & Woodley Park
We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape.

TAKE ACTION: Speak up for homes, and a vibrant Takoma Metro station
The proposed mixed-use development at the Takoma Metro station is a bold proposal, but it has vocal opponents. The project will provide 440 new homes with at least 70 affordable homes and transform a surface parking lot into a vibrant, safer, walkable place with cafes, a plaza, and usable greenspace. It will also provide better bus, walk and bicycle facilities, and control stormwater runoff for the first time.
Event Materials: Friendship Heights walking tour
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our walking tour of Friendship Heights on a beautiful day! Check out the event materials!
Opinion: The answer to a more vibrant downtown D.C.? Not more cars.
Ultimately, this is about quality of life and attractive, competitive communities for residents of D.C. and the region, enhanced by having alternatives to hours spent driving and sitting in traffic and reducing the air pollution harming us — life and work enhanced by a green, sustainable and people-oriented downtown.