Sonya Breehey, an area resident and Northern Virginia advocacy manager for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, praised the inclusion of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, green spaces and workforce and affordable housing.
Category: Virginia
Testimony: Duke Street Transitway (Support)
We strongly support Concept A for center running dedicated bus lanes and Concept Y for safe, separated bicycle and pedestrian facilities, as well as the vision for full-corridor length center running dedicated bus lanes when redevelopment and funding permit.
Event Materials: Reston Town Center walking tour
Check out our event materials to learn more about upcoming transportation improvements in the area and other developments near Reston Town Center Metro!
TAKE ACTION: Ask Alexandria City Council to support Duke St bus lanes, safer walking & biking
The project Advisory Group, representing a diverse mix of corridor stakeholders, last month voted overwhelmingly to recommend dedicated center-running bus lanes and improved walking and biking facilities as the best option to improve Duke St for all users. Council needs to hear from you, that you support this recommendation for a safer and truly multimodal Duke Street.
TAKE ACTION: Fill out the Housing for All questionnaire by June 19th!
You can help support expanded housing opportunities in Alexandria by filling out the City’s questionnaire, open through June 19.

Join us for our walking tour of Reston Town Center!
We’ve added a Reston Town Center walking tour to our June line-up! Join us June 13th to get a first hand look at the recently opened Reston Town Center Metro Station and the continuing transformation of the area into a walkable, bike-friendly transit-oriented community.

Fairfax and Arlington County 2023 Election Resources
The Democratic primary for both Fairfax and Arlington Counties is coming up on June 20th! The general election will be November 5th. Make sure you have the latest resources* on where the candidates stand on all things smart growth and a plan to vote! Please note that while our candidate questionnaires focus on County Board candidates, there are also candidates for State Senate, House of Delegates, Commonwealth Attorney and Sheriff on the ballot.
CSG in the News: Virginia Reduces Speed Limit On Stretch Of Route 1 In Fairfax County
May 22, 2023 | DCist | Jenny Gathright
Sonya Breehey, the northern Virginia advocacy manager for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, says the speed limit reduction is a “win for a safer Richmond highway and the communities along the corridor.”
“The Richmond Highway corridor is just dangerous, and routinely sees higher than average crashes and fatalities,” Breehey tells DCist/WAMU. “So this is certainly a step in the right direction that will help make the roads safer for everybody no matter how you travel — but most especially for our vulnerable road users: those who are walking and biking.”
Breehey added that additional improvements are still needed.
“Dropping the speed limit along won’t be enough,” she says. “It’s one tool in the toolbox.”
RELEASE: Groups weigh in on Fairfax Board of Supervisors races
With Fairfax County facing significant transportation, affordable housing, and environmental challenges, a diverse network of sixteen (16) local and regional conservation, smart growth, bike/ped, housing, and social equity groups released a platform for candidates for the Board of Supervisors.
Titled A Vision for an Environmentally Sustainable Fairfax County: Inclusive, Walkable, Transit-Friendly Communities, the groups have sent the platform to all Board candidates in Fairfax County for whom contact information could be found.
CSG Comments in Support of Expanded Housing Options in Arlington
We commend Arlington’s long record as a trailblazer in smart growth, record of careful analysis, and extensive public consultation they’ve undertaken as part of the Missing Middle Study. CSG writes to convey our support for the proposed expansion of housing options and provide feedback on the different options.