The Converge West Falls redevelopment is the final and critical piece to the emerging West Falls Church transit-oriented community and will knit together the City of Falls Church’s new mixed-use development already underway and redevelopment of the Metro Station. Together these projects will transform acres of parking lots into an inclusive, vibrant, and livable neighborhood with great access to transit.
Category: City of Fairfax & City of Falls Church
CSG in the News: West Falls Church Metro mixed-use development approved, but parking decision still to come
Sonya Breehey, an area resident and Northern Virginia advocacy manager for the Coalition for Smarter Growth, praised the inclusion of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, green spaces and workforce and affordable housing.
Help make it safer to walk and bike to the West Falls Church Metro
The rescheduled West Falls Church Active Transportation Study community meetings are this week. If you walk, bike or take Metro in the area, please join one of two meetings to weigh in on pedestrian and bicycle improvements for Route 7, Shreve, Haycock, and nearby neighborhoods.

ACTION ALERT: Demand climate action from your local elected officials
Transportation is the #1 source of our regional greenhouse gas emissions, and we have just 8 years to slash those emissions. Yet, our local and state elected officials who sit on the regional Transportation Planning Board (TPB), are not taking the urgent – and feasible – steps necessary to reduce emissions from our region’s transportation system. They need to hear from you!

RELEASE: MetroNow Bus Transformation Project Progress Report
In response to the region’s critical transit needs, leading transportation coalition launches the Bus Champions Roundtable, a series of targeted discussions with regional leaders to align priorities and accelerate bus transformation progress.

CSG Testimony: Comments in Support of West Falls Church Redevelopment Plan
For nearly 25 years since our founding by the region’s leading conservation groups, we have helped the region work toward a vision for a network of transit-oriented communities, a vision committed to by Fairfax County and endorsed by all 23 jurisdictions in the Council of Governments’ Region Forward plan and supporting plans. It is a vision shared by the conservation community, affordable housing, bike/ped and transit advocates, and much of the business community.
We support the West Falls Church TSA – with recommendations: 1) swift action to make the streets that surround the Metro station site safer for local residents, bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit-
users and 2) addressing climate change by slashing our emissions from transportation. L
We are signatories to the joint supportive comments submitted by leading conservation and housing groups in the Fairfax Healthy Communities Network – which you have in your packet. In addition to CSG, the signatories are Audubon Naturalist Society, Northern VA Affordable Housing Alliance, Sierra Club – Great Falls Group, Friends of Holmes Run, and Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions.

Joint Letter: Comments in Support of PA 2018-II-1M WFC TSA
Please accept these comments on behalf of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, the Audubon Naturalist Society, the Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance, the Sierra Club Great Falls Group, Friends of Holmes Run, and Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions. We write to express our support for the redevelopment of the West Falls Church Transit Station Area and urge you to consider our recommendations below and vote in favor of the comprehensive plan amendment (CPA) (2018-II-1M).
The proposed plan amendment will help realize Fairfax County’s vision of providing a network of transit-oriented development (TOD) along its transit corridors. This vision is outlined in the County’s Comprehensive Plan guidance, which calls for development close to transit stations to focus on reducing dependence on driving and increasing transit ridership.

East Falls Church: Bridging I-66
Divided by I-66 and split between two jurisdictions, East Falls Church is on the cusp of big changes. View new developments and learn about plans for a vibrant, walkable and cycling-friendly neighborhood.
Event materials:
- Program (PDF)
- East Falls Church area plan (online)
- Pedestrian and cyclist count
Coalition for Smarter Growth walking tour of East Falls Church
Come join us explore East Falls Church – an area centered on the Metro station and on the cusp of big changes. Divided by I-66 and split between two jurisdictions, the area is surrounded by well-loved neighborhoods, with parks and the booming W&OD bicycle trail.