CSG worked with Ward3Vision to create an Urban Design Concept for Chevy Chase and present to the community through an event hosted by Historic Chevy Chase.
Tag: ward3vision

Event: Placemaking on Ward 3’s Avenues – What’s in the Streetscape Toolbox?

June 22, 2021 – CSG and Ward3Vision hosted an event to learn about the many tools we have to create and sustain lively places on the main streets of our community. We discussed why streets are important, what makes them comfortable, interesting, useful and inviting, and what models we might learn from. The event also helped the audience understand how affordable housing actually gets financed. The event also helped the audience understand the ‘software’ that helps make it all work.
Featured speakers:
- Matthew Bell FAIA (Principal, Perkins Eastman & Professor, University of Maryland School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation)
- Robert Peck (Gensler Architects)
- Erkin Ozberk (Neighborhood Planner for Wards 3 and 4, DC Office of Planning)
- Leigh Catherine Miles (Executive Director, Tenleytown Main Street)
Event materials
- View the event recording on youtube.
- Presentation slides:

Event: Building Inclusivity in Ward 3 –What’s in the Affordable Housing Toolbox?
April 27, 2021, CSG and Ward3Vision hosted an event to learn about the many tools we have to make Ward 3 a more inclusive, affordable place to live. We discussed: “what is affordable housing?”, approaches and policies like federal and local subsidies, public land, missing middle housing, ADUs, public housing, land use policy, and inclusionary zoning. The event also helped the audience understand how affordable housing actually gets financed.

Featured speakers: Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh; Tracy Hadden Loh, PhD, Brookings Institution Fellow and Greater Greater Washington Board Chair; Stan Wall, P.E., Partner, HR&A Advisors and ANC Commissioner 3F04; Patrick McAnaney, Somerset Development; Andrew Trueblood, Director, DC Office of Planning; David Cristeal, LSA Planning, ANC Commissioner 3F01, Ward 3 Vision Steering Committee and former Housing Director, Arlington County (moderator)
View the event recording on youtube.
RELEASE: Make the Connection: Bethesda-Chevy Chase Businesses and Residents Call for Montgomery Rapid Transit to Extend to Friendship Heights, D.C. Border
Bethesda-Chevy Chase area residents and businesses today called for Montgomery County officials to ensure that the rapid transit line proposed for 355 connects Friendship Heights’ jobs and homes to the rest of the county. Stopping the route at Bethesda, instead of connecting it an additional 1.5 miles to the D.C. border could shortchange the area and the county in several ways, supporters said. “With traffic congestion rising and the possibility of local Metro stations shut down for extensive repairs, residents in our area are seeking more options for getting north to Bethesda and beyond, or to Friendship Heights and D.C.” said Chevy Chase resident Ronit Dancis. “BRT would be a great new option for our neighborhoods.”

Tenley: Top of the Town
On Saturday, September 28, over 50 participants took an early fall stroll through the Tenleytown commercial district with the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Ward3Vision to learn about the community’s past, present and future.
Ward 3 Vision Sustainability Working Paper
The DC Office of Planning is leading a Ward 3 Neighborhood Sustainability Indicators Pilot Project (the Sustainability Project). We joined with Ward 3 Vision to put together a working paper on sustainability.
DC – Support for Giant Rezoning in Ward 3
I am pleased to testify in support of this pedestrian-oriented mixed use redevelopment project. This is a wonderful proposal that is far better than simply replacing an old grocery store with a new one. Thanks to Stop & Shop for making the extra effort to create a truly smart growth project.
Ward 3 Vision Lauds Tenley Library Partnership
Today, residents of Ward 3 were excited to hear that Mayor Fenty established a public private partnership to rebuild the Tenley Friendship Library.