Category: Affordable Housing

CSG comments opposing the townhouse moratorium in Prince George’s County

While we oppose CB 52 as not the right approach, we wish to express our support for the concern expressed in the bill in terms of ensuring residential growth is directed to the right locations. We find the singling out of townhouses for blame unjustified when permissive single family zoning across vast acres outside the beltway “established communities” are the underlying problem. Most of the land outside the beltway is zoned for low density housing, causing growth and additional demand on urban infrastructure, and robbing reinvestment resources from existing communities.

TAKE ACTION: Support a more inclusive Cleveland Park & Woodley Park

We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape. 

TAKE ACTION: Voice your support for a more inclusive Cleveland Park & Woodley Park

We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape. 

Event: Making the numbers work — How affordable housing is financed in DC

Event: Making the numbers work — How affordable housing is financed in DC

April 20, 2023

Ever wondered how resources dedicated to housing affordability are used? Understanding housing affordability financing is fundamental to making good programs, policies, and laws to support people in need of new home production, preservation, and rehabilitation. This event will walk you through the economics of affordable housing in layman’s terms – to provide all audiences with information needed to engage in critical policy and development decisions. 

View YouTube recording here.


Introduction and moderation by Susanne Slater, Habitat for Humanity of Washington, D.C.

Stan Wall, HR&A Advisors

Patrick McAnaney, Somerset Development Company

Erin Wilson, DC Department of Housing and Community Development

This online event was sponsored by: Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development (CNHED), Enterprise Community Partners, Coalition for Smarter Growth, Greater Greater Washington, DC Fiscal Policy Institute, Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers (HAND), Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) UPO, Ward3Vision, WIN Ward 3 Congregations Affordable Housing Work Group

Testimony in support for NHP Elm Gardens

We wish to express our strong support for Case No. 22-33. We are excited to support this rezoning to facilitate the redevelopment of a 36-unit rental apartment building into a new, 100%  affordable 110-unit building. The rezoning appropriately permits the construction of a modestly larger building, fulfilling guidance of the Comp Plan to focus more activity around Metro stations.