Category: Affordable Housing

CSG in the News: Zoning Proposal for Housing is Front and Center as Alexandria City Council Meets Tonight in Public Session

Bill Pugh lives in Alexandria and is senior policy fellow with Coalition for Smarter Growth. “Would you go so far as to say we have a housing crisis?,” Zebra asked Pugh in a phone interview two days after the community forum.

“Alexandria has a housing shortage like many jurisdictions,” said Pugh, “and it also has an affordability issue as well. Whether we call it a crisis or not, the data that was presented by the Urban Institute has clearly shown there’s not enough housing in the DC region on all income levels. And we see that in day-to-day examples. My kids attend ACPS schools and many of their teachers drive in from Prince William and Prince George’s counties because they can’t afford to live here.”

Event Materials: The problem with parking mandates: what does Montgomery County have to gain from reform?

Thank you for joining the Coalition for Smarter Growth and Montgomery for All on August 28, 2023 for a conversation about how reforming minimum parking mandates can help us achieve our climate, housing, and equity goals.

Thank you for stepping up to help win a better Takoma Metro station

Thank you for stepping up to help win a better Takoma Metro station

CSG spent over 20 years tracking, reviewing, and weighing in on the various iterations of this important transit-oriented mixed-use housing development, which faced unrelenting opposition. Thank you for joining us in this campaign – your advocacy helped it get over the finish line!

TAKE ACTION: Support zoning for affordable housing with a new U Street police & fire station 

TAKE ACTION: Support zoning for affordable housing with a new U Street police & fire station 

The Third District Police Station and Fire Station on U Street are on the path to a much needed makeover. On June 26, the DC Zoning Commission will consider upzoning this public land to match the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map – for new residential development combined with the public uses.

TAKE ACTION: A townhouse ban is not the way to guide us to smart, equitable development

Prince George’s County Council is considering a bill to freeze new townhouse construction for 2 years. We agree that too much growth is occurring outside priority centers, leading to increased traffic and high infrastructure costs, while diverting resources from existing communities. But a townhouse ban is an overly broad, indiscriminate approach that overlooks the underlying problems of Prince George’s zoning: too much single family zoning across the vast acres outside the beltway, and not enough flexible residential and mixed use zoning inside the beltway.

CSG comments opposing the townhouse moratorium in Prince George’s County

While we oppose CB 52 as not the right approach, we wish to express our support for the concern expressed in the bill in terms of ensuring residential growth is directed to the right locations. We find the singling out of townhouses for blame unjustified when permissive single family zoning across vast acres outside the beltway “established communities” are the underlying problem. Most of the land outside the beltway is zoned for low density housing, causing growth and additional demand on urban infrastructure, and robbing reinvestment resources from existing communities.

TAKE ACTION: Support a more inclusive Cleveland Park & Woodley Park

We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape. 

TAKE ACTION: Voice your support for a more inclusive Cleveland Park & Woodley Park

We need your help to support more housing around two key Ward 3 Metro stations. With the Draft Connecticut Avenue Development Guidelines, the District is proposing to increase the potential for new homes by rezoning in the commercial areas around the Cleveland Park and Woodley Park Metro stations. DC is also providing guidelines for new buildings and the streetscape.